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This integrator is officially registered by the National Department of Health withdecree-law number 111 of 27 January 1992.
Each dose is composed of two packets, one containing 150 mg of L-Ascorbic acid plus 3 mg of D-Ribose; and the other containg 300 mg of Potassium Bicarbonate.
Peso | 0.150 |
One packet of L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) plus one packet of Potassium Bicarbonate dissolved in 20 cc of water. To be taken once a day on an empty stomach in the morning or according to medical prescription.
This compound has a great antioxidant power which is specifically bound to the presence of Potassium Ascorbate. The use of this compound is particularly recommended in case of lack or poor quantity of Ascorbic Acid or Ribose, as well in case of stress diseases both physical and mental, as the integration with Ascorbic Acid -due to its strong antioxidant role- is able to fight and prevent any process of cellular degeneration, which is clearly witnessed by the present medical documentation. Ribose, being a forerunner of ATP (adenosintriphosphate), is capable of increasing the energetic reserves of the human body fostering and encouraging at the same time the energetic process and/or its rapid recovery in case of deficit. Its valence lies also in its high digestibility, in the smoothness with which it assimilated by the cells storing it in the cytoplasm as well in the low dosage at which it is active; it is also the only active principle which may be assimilated through the mouth and capable of developing an energetic production which is vital to the muscle activity (ATP). The main function of Ribose in this compound is connected to its catalyzing action to speed up the transport of Potassium into the cellular cytoplasm.
Nutritional Table:
Box, 100 doses, Euros 49,50