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We have collected the most frequently asked questions for you and answered them briefly below.

1) What is potassium ascorbate?

Potassium ascorbate is a salt derived from ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It can be easily obtained by dissolving two components in cold water; ascorbic acid and potassium bicarbonate, which both have to be the pure crystallized form (purity level not less than 97%). It is also a very strong antioxidant.

2) Why are these two components so important?

Ascorbic acid, which is obtained daily by our body through our everyday diet, is an important antioxidant and is essential for the active biological synthesis of collagen and connective tissues in our body. It furthermore increases iron absorption, contributes to bone accretion (growth of bone mass and strength), improves our resistance power against infections, and strenghtens our immune system. An ascorbic acid (vitamin c) deficiency can cause scurvy.

Potassium is a necessary regulator for living cell metabolism. It is a co-factor, i.e. an element that allows the proper functioning of enzymes and intracellular proteins.

3) Why should I use potassium ascorbate?

Because this salt has shown extraordinary actions (results) in the fight against degenerative diseases and regular intake, also preventive intake, strenghtens the immune system.

4) Can I decide the dosage for preventive intake myself, knowing the operating principles of this compound?

No, it is always better to seek medical advice first, either at the Pantellini Foundation or from your doctor or GP (if he/she is aware of the protocols in use) because the dosage is always related to both a person’s medical and family history (anamnesis, i.e. information linked to personal past medical and family health situation) and the assessment of particular clinical parameters (blood chemistry and electrolytes).

5) How does potassium ascorbate work?

It restores and maintains a correct concentration of intracellular potassium by reactivating a proper cell metabolism, and it reverses the process of cell degeneration (if present). Ascorbic acid represents a ‘means of transportation’ for potassium into the cell, and the compound indicates a protective mechanism for its own highly antioxidant characteristics.

6) Can I use (it together with) other potassium supplements?

In principle you can only use other potassium supplements if there are/will be no changes to the proteinic and enzymatic intracellular structures that bind with potassium, because otherwise it will have no effect since it impedes the absorption of potassium in the cytoplasm (i.e. internal part) of the cell.

7) Can ascorbic acid be harmful to my health?

Recent scientific research reports that high dosage of ascorbic acid intake (i.e. more than 10 grams a day for a long period of time) may present health problems.

In the case of the by the Foundation’s recommended dosage for potassium ascorbate intake, this possibility is absolutely unfounded since the dosage of ascorbid acid in use for the attack on cell degeneration is extremely modest and is well within the recommended daily allowance (RDA), also taking into account that repeated intake (until a maximum of three doses per day, several hours apart from one intake to another) does not accumulate the compound’s ascorbic acid in the body since its ‘average life’ is a few hours; first it transforms into treonic acid and then into oxalic acid before it will be eliminated by the kidneys. For similar but even more convincing reasons the same explanation holds true for preventive intake of the compound. Ascorbic acid as recommended in protocols for intravenous therapy to support potassium ascorbate strongly depends on the state of health of a person.

8) Can potassium be harmful to my health?

Potassium does not represent or form any risk if you follow the dosage as indicated in the protocols since it ranges from an average preventive daily or weekly intake which is inferior to 150 mg a day, to an average daily intake which is max. 400 mg a day (when taking it 3 times a day), compared to the much higher recommended daily allowance (RDA) as recommended by the European Scientific commision which is 3 grams a day.

9) Does potassium ascorbate have any side effects?

No, there are no reported side effects of any type. Potassium ascorbate can be taken for an indefinite time, obviously under regular review of the clinical parameters by either the Pantellini Foundation or your own doctor/GP. The only thing to note is that acting as a ‘stabilizer’ also on hormonal level, Potassium ascorbate may increase women’s fertility.

10) Does potassium ascorbate have any effects on blood pressure?

Potassium ascorbate tends to stabilize blood pressure. However, we recommend those who suffer from high pressure checking their blood pressure regularly, at least at the initial stages of the compound use.

11) Can I use potassium ascorbate when I have diabetes?

Yes, as long as you regularly check glucose and insulin levels (if taken), especially at the initial stages of the compound use. Do not exclude any positive surprises!

12) How long should I continue taking potassium ascorbate?

We suggest taking potassium ascorbate for an indefinite time. Ascorbic acid has a physiological life cycle of just a few hours before it gets excreted from the body through urine. In order to avoid any risky situations to happen inside the body, it is necessary to take the compound regularly. This is particularly important for those suffering from degenerative diseases.

13) What do the mentioned drugs mean in the protocols as proposed by the Foundation?

The drugs mentioned in the protocols are intended to facilitate and support the absorption of potassium ascorbate in the body and to enhance its action, especially at the early stages of the compound use.

14) Does vitamin B12 promote a rapid proliferation of degenerated cells?

No. There is much literature that suggests the use of vitamin B12 combined with ascorbic acid as anti-tumorous treatment. Moreover, vitamin B12 has two specific characteristics in its structure for which we suggest its use together with potassium ascorbate;

- the presence of NH and NH2 groups that potassium binds to;
- the presence of ribose, an important nucleic acid, that has a very similar structure as the ascorbic acid, which is also able to bind with potassium and therefore enhances the effect of potassium ascorbate.

15) How is potassium ascorbate prepared?

Ascorbic acid and potassium bicarbonate in their purest crystallized form (see question 1) are extremely unstable and highly hygroscopic (i.e. tends to absorb humidity, hence alters). Ascorbic acid is furthermore extremely photosensitive (i.e. it alters under (visible) sunlight and UV). The sachets therefore have be to premeasured (in single units), vacuumed and sealed in order to stay out of contact with environmental humidity and light.

16) How is potassium ascorbate packed?

The sachets (small containers, single units) are made of aluminium, polyethylene and paper to protect the components from environmental humidity and sunlight (see question 15).

17) Can potassium ascorbate be prepared in capsules instead of sachets?

We recommend carefully avoiding this product when prepared in capsules, even when the two components are separated from each other, because capsules (especially when made of animal gelatin) do not guarantee a proper conservation of the product. They allow humidity to enter and furthermore there could be a potential presence of excipients (such as lactose) for the reasons of stability and filling of the capsules, that takes away the purity of the components and makes the product less effective.

This is possibly visible when you experience difficulty in solubility and/or absence of the effervescent effect when trying to dissolve the solution.

18) Can I buy and keep the two components separately myself, for example in a dark glass container or sealed package?

We highly recommend not buying sealed packages or glass containers with ascorbic acid and potassium bicarbonate because (repeated) opening of the confection or container allows environmental humidity and (sun) light to enter. We have seen a progressive change in color of the components turning yellow within a few days or sometimes even within a few hours, depending on the rate of exposure, as well as a hardening and thickening (formation of clumps), similar but much faster compared to what would happen to sugar or salt in your kitchen.

19) How do I take potassium ascorbate?

Dissolve the two components in 20 cc cold water. Do not use a metal spoon to mix the compound; we recommend using plastic or wooden sticks or simply mixing the liquid inside the cup by moving/circling your hand. When the compound dissolves in water, it has to make little bubbles (light effervescent effect).

20) Can potassium ascorbate be compared with Prof. Judah Folkman’s research on tumor (anti-)angiogenesis (endostatin, angiostatin)?

Yes, potassium ascorbate seems to demonstrate an anti-angiogenic effect and is therefore perfectly in line with the studies of Prof. Folkman of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston.

21) Can potassium ascorbate be considered an alternative therapy?

No, we consider it a basic method because it affects the bio-chemical and physical mechanism of the cell function and can be applied, with the necessary preventive measures and precautions, together with standard hospital protocols (both chemotherapy and radiotherapy).

22) Why is potassium ascorbate not officially recognized (yet)?

Experts in the medical-scientific field often do not know the grounds and foundations of the Pantellini method. Some publications date back more than 40 years and only a few recent publications have been made, almost all exclusively by the Pantellini Foundation, as much as to this point where people often tend to confuse potassium ascorbate, with or without ribose, with ‘simple’ vitamin C. It is even often said that taking an orange juice or a banana will do! In reality, as we have already repeated multiple times on this site, potassium ascorbate is a salt derived from vitamin C and works completely differently.

Moreover, speaking of ‘simple’ vitamin C brings to mind Pauling, Cameron and Wilson’s work in the 60s-70s, who obtained apparently contradictory results using very high doses (a couple dozens of grams) of ascorbic acid distributed intravenously. In this case, it has to be noted however that in reality this procedure leads to a formation of a derivative salt known as sodium ascorbate, and not to potassium ascorbate!
Unfortunately there is an observed tendency to place the method based on potassium ascorbate (with or without ribose) in the field of the so-called ‘alternative therapies’ (see previous question), which basically induces a defensive attitude and a pronounced exclusion (ostracism) from the part of health care facilities.
On the other hand, many doctors and researchers, not only in Italy but also from other parts of Europe and the world, are aware of the studies of Dr. Pantellini and have been able to experience the potential beneficial effects directly on their own patients. Unfortunately, due to the current prevailing professional ostracizable atmosphere and bureaucratic difficulties, the argument often (but fortunately not always!) gets put down. In the best case, it is conveyed through direct informal contact between people based on the word of mouth.
There is also the widespread, but in our view decisively unscientific belief that such a complex problem like cell degeneration requires a similar complex and thus costly solution. The research on particular controlling enzymes for example, or the activation and deactivation of appropriate genes, or the formation of new, highly selected medication, are methodologies that require enormous expenditure and highly specialized laboratories.
Since all over the world unimaginable amounts of money (tens of millions of euros!) are being invested in trying to find solutions that are still, unfortunately, far from being found, people consequently tend to exclude that with potassium bicarbonate and a bit of lemon juice significant benefits and results can be obtained.
Moreover, excessive specialization and concentrating too much on particular questions and issues can lead to losing sight of the ‘general vision’ of a problem. It is like looking at a forest from too close and thus only seeing the bark of a single tree. This could limit our capacity to identify other paths to follow.
Another aspect that cannot be neglected is that the potassium ascorbate method (with or without ribose) has extremely limited costs compared to any other drug or medication in use and it almost seems that it might therefore not be interesting enough from the pharmaceutical point of view.

23) What is ribose?

Ribose plays a very important role in cell metabolism. It is a sugar that is directly involved in the synthesis of nucleotides. It is an essential pioneer (or main element) in the biosynthesis of RNA and adenosine (essential component in the production of ATP and ATP-ase sodium-potassium – the so-called Na/K pump) and in its deoxyribose form in the synthesis of DNA.

Our body is capable of producing, or as we should say more precisely of synthesizing, ribose, something that ascorbic acid (absorbed through our daily diet and food supplements) is incapable of. In certain conditions, however, this synthesis process can be limited or, worse, harmed. This fact was already demonstrated in scientific research published in the United States in the 50s.
When taken orally, ribose will be metabolized and does not interfere (at least when taking the doses as suggested by the Pantellini Foundation) with glycolysis.

24) When do I have to use potassium ascorbate with ribose and when not?

The formula with ribose is always recommended in case of a proclaimed disease and for preventive use in presence of significant risk factors (see corresponding section on this site). The ‘classical’ formula, i.e. the one without ribose, is suggested for standard preventive intake.

25) Is the formula with ribose better than the ‘classical’ one?

From our point of view they are both effective. The difference is the speed with which the potassium is transferred from the extracellular environment into the cytoplasm (inside the cell). Ribose performs a catalytic activity that provokes what we (perhaps improperly) call a ‘turbo effect’.

26) What does it cost to use potassium ascorbate, with or without ribose?

The average costs of the Pantellini method in case of a proclaimed disease using the complete outline (scheme), that means taking potassium ascorbate with ribose as well as taking the mentioned vitamins and physiological substances that support the action and function of the compound, will be around a maximum of 150 euros monthly, depending on the type of outline (scheme) that our doctors propose in your situation.

The average monthly costs for prevention can fluctuate between 12 euros when using the ‘classical’ formula without ribose and a little bit more than 16 euros for using respectively the formula with ribose.